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Manifest files

Manifests are mandatory files for every submited levels.

They describe the content of the level, and are written in JSON.

Example of a manifest file:

"name": "The name of the level",
"descriptions": ["A short description for your level."],
"information": "Information regarding your level. Up to 350 characters long. Can include #ff0000ffcolor!",
"entry_point": "level.lua",
"has_score_leaderboard": true,
"rank_thresholds_1p": { "bronze": 1000, "silver": 2000, "gold": 3000 }

Fields descriptions

  • name is the name of the level. Keep it short (30 char max).
  • descriptions is an array of strings. You can put multiple descriptions, but for now only the first string is displayed.
  • information is an optional string that can be 350 characters long that should contain information relevant to the level.
  • entry_point contains the path to the main entry point of the level.

entry_point must be level.lua.

In the future other entry points may be supported.

  • has_score_leaderboard is a boolean that specifies whether the level should have a score leaderboard.
  • rank_thresholds_1p contains the requirements for the players to unlock bronze, silver, and gold stars. You must not include this field if has_score_leaderboard is false. If all the thresholds are 0, then the level will not give out stars.